You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

12 lines
732 B

insert into sys_menu values('112', '缓存列表', '2', '6', 'cacheList', 'monitor/cache/list', '', 1, 0, 'C', '0', '0', 'monitor:cache:list', 'redis-list', 'admin', sysdate, '', null, '缓存列表菜单');
delete from sys_menu WHERE menu_id = 116;
update sys_config set config_key = 'sys.account.captchaEnabled' where config_id = 4
insert into sys_menu values('1050', '账户解锁', '501', '4', '#', '', '', 1, 0, 'F', '0', '0', 'monitor:logininfor:unlock', '#', 'admin', sysdate, '', null, '');
insert into sys_role_menu values ('2', '1050');
insert into sys_dict_data values(29, 99, '其他', '0', 'sys_oper_type', '', 'info', 'N', '0', 'admin', sysdate, '', null, '其他操作');